Summer Colds are Worse Than Winter Ones!

It’s not your imagination: Summer colds are worse. In fact, experts say the summer cold season lasts from June to October, which means we’re in peak cold season right now. And even though we’re four times more likely to catch a cold in the winter, summer colds last longer and pack much more of a “punch."
That’s the word from infectious-disease specialist Dr. Bruce Hirsch. He says cold viruses spread the same way in summer as they do in winter, either through touching germy surfaces or via people coughing and sneezing around each other. The difference is that while most winter colds only last a few days, summer colds can linger for weeks. And they tend to be more severe with symptoms that feel more like a flu, including anything from a high fever to diarrhea and a rash...
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That’s the word from infectious-disease specialist Dr. Bruce Hirsch. He says cold viruses spread the same way in summer as they do in winter, either through touching germy surfaces or via people coughing and sneezing around each other. The difference is that while most winter colds only last a few days, summer colds can linger for weeks. And they tend to be more severe with symptoms that feel more like a flu, including anything from a high fever to diarrhea and a rash...
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