More Dentists Taking On Hygiene, Admin Duties
More dentists in a recent ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) poll indicated having taken on more hygienist, assistant, or administrative duties than they had been performing before the COVID-19 pandemic, poll results HPI chief economist and vice president Marko Vujicic called "concerning, at least from a practice efficiency perspective."
The October 2023 Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry, a tracking poll that the HPI started in January 2022, asked whether dental practices’ workload is divided differently among staff since before the pandemic, with a third of respondents responding affirmatively. Of those, half of the dentists who responded indicated they’re performing more hygienist, assistant, or administrative jobs now.
In a LinkedIn post, Vujicic said the data continues to show staffing shortages are a major issue in the dental sector and that the poll results are concerning, at least in terms of practice efficiency...
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The October 2023 Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry, a tracking poll that the HPI started in January 2022, asked whether dental practices’ workload is divided differently among staff since before the pandemic, with a third of respondents responding affirmatively. Of those, half of the dentists who responded indicated they’re performing more hygienist, assistant, or administrative jobs now.
In a LinkedIn post, Vujicic said the data continues to show staffing shortages are a major issue in the dental sector and that the poll results are concerning, at least in terms of practice efficiency...
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