Office Holiday Party Dos and Don'ts

Season’s greetings! As the holiday season approaches, you may already be planning a work-sponsored party. After all, nearly everyone loves the chance to kick back and have a drink or two on the boss during the holiday season, right? Be careful, though! There is no shortage of stories about holiday parties gone terribly wrong. You may even have a few examples in mind yourself.
From inappropriate confessions of unrequited love, to someone's spouse having a little too much spiked eggnog, to telling the doctor "you know what your problem is...", the potential for trouble is endless. So what steps can doctors and their office managers take to ensure things don't get out of hand and result in a very uncomfortable return to work? ...
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From inappropriate confessions of unrequited love, to someone's spouse having a little too much spiked eggnog, to telling the doctor "you know what your problem is...", the potential for trouble is endless. So what steps can doctors and their office managers take to ensure things don't get out of hand and result in a very uncomfortable return to work? ...
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