So You Want to be a Practice Management Consultant

You’ve been involved in practice management, either on the clinical or administrative side, for most of your career. You’re ready to make a change. You want better hours, less stress, more money, and more freedom. You routinely see younger people in your field, and adjacent fields, making big mistakes.
It’s time to strike out on your own, tell people what they’re doing wrong, and help them do better. You’re ready to become a Practice Management Consultant! (Cue heroic theme music.) After all, in your years at work you’ve sat through hundreds of less than amazing professional luncheons, conference talks, and staff in-service days. Surely you can do just as well...
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It’s time to strike out on your own, tell people what they’re doing wrong, and help them do better. You’re ready to become a Practice Management Consultant! (Cue heroic theme music.) After all, in your years at work you’ve sat through hundreds of less than amazing professional luncheons, conference talks, and staff in-service days. Surely you can do just as well...
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