Smooth Running: Keeping Your Lab Technology Investments Working So They Can Run Nonstop

Making investments in technology is an essential part of dental lab operations today. These investments require attention to the return on investment (ROI) they generate to ensure they are worth the money you spent on them. So, how do you keep your technology investments working so they can run nonstop? We spoke to lab industry professionals to find out.
In the ever-advancing world of dental technology, Greg Martin, CDT, TE, Business Development Manager for Renfert USA says dental labs have become even more dependent upon their equipment and technology to produce final restorations. The key to the smooth running of your technology investments without suffering costly down times isn’t complicated; it’s maintenance...
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In the ever-advancing world of dental technology, Greg Martin, CDT, TE, Business Development Manager for Renfert USA says dental labs have become even more dependent upon their equipment and technology to produce final restorations. The key to the smooth running of your technology investments without suffering costly down times isn’t complicated; it’s maintenance...
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