Not Worth the Buzz? Energy Drinks Can Cause Significant Oral Health Damage

It's no secret that sugary drinks are bad for our teeth. But did you know energy drinks can be just as harmful? Protect patients' oral health and tell them the hard truth about their Redbull.
It's not just Coke-it's Red Bull, too
We all know that sugary drinks are determintal to oral health--pop and other kinds of soft drinks (even if they're labeled "sugar-free!") can increase caries risk and erode tooth enamel, especially in young children and adolescents. But what about energy drinks? Brands like Red Bull and Prime can be great in a pinch, but giving consumers that extra boost to get through a particularly long workday may not be worth it in the long run.
In our increasingly hustle-centric culture, energy drinks have not only risen in popularity, but also garnered a negative reputation for health. They've been known to both cause and exacerbate a myriad of health problems, including dehydration, heart complications, anxiety, and insomnia...
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It's not just Coke-it's Red Bull, too
We all know that sugary drinks are determintal to oral health--pop and other kinds of soft drinks (even if they're labeled "sugar-free!") can increase caries risk and erode tooth enamel, especially in young children and adolescents. But what about energy drinks? Brands like Red Bull and Prime can be great in a pinch, but giving consumers that extra boost to get through a particularly long workday may not be worth it in the long run.
In our increasingly hustle-centric culture, energy drinks have not only risen in popularity, but also garnered a negative reputation for health. They've been known to both cause and exacerbate a myriad of health problems, including dehydration, heart complications, anxiety, and insomnia...
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