Lichen Planus Pemphigoides: An Autoimmune Blistering Disease
Lichen planus (LP) is classified as a cell-mediated immune-type mucocutaneous disorder. The name is derived from lichens, which are organisms that are found growing on rocks and trees with a plaquelike configuration. Some clinicians compare the appearance of these organisms to some of the various forms of oral lichen planus that have a white, lacelike presentation. One such type is the reticular pattern of lichen planus, also called Wickham striae because of the intricate white lines seen in this form.
There are various clinical presentations of true LP, and it may appear orally, on genitalia, and on the cutaneous areas of the body, especially the flexor surfaces of arms and legs. The lesions may be found in any mucosal lining such as the esophagus...
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There are various clinical presentations of true LP, and it may appear orally, on genitalia, and on the cutaneous areas of the body, especially the flexor surfaces of arms and legs. The lesions may be found in any mucosal lining such as the esophagus...
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