4 Ways to Thrive in a Tough Economy

Feeling the pinch of these times? Don't be enticed by quick solutions. Author Amy Morgan says she is "100% certain" following these 4 actions will protect your practice from instability.
About six months ago, as I was flipping through dental journals, I saw an ad that used the word "recession." It was designed to scare dentists into “buying now.” To me this signaled that dentists who have been voraciously reading and watching every news item about a possible economic downturn are prime candidates to panic and blame the economy for all that’s wrong with their practices...
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About six months ago, as I was flipping through dental journals, I saw an ad that used the word "recession." It was designed to scare dentists into “buying now.” To me this signaled that dentists who have been voraciously reading and watching every news item about a possible economic downturn are prime candidates to panic and blame the economy for all that’s wrong with their practices...
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