4 tips to help parents win the brushing battle
Last August, I went to visit my brother’s family in New York City. My sister-in-law had been getting my nieces excited about my visit and had been talking me up because “Auntie Becca is very good at helping people clean their teeth!” One of the first nights I was there, I sat down with one of my nieces on my lap, her back toward me. “I got this,” I thought confidently. “She is going to love this.” I put the toothbrush in her mouth and started to brush. Within seconds she closed her mouth and turned her head away with a very insightful complaint. “Too spicy!” she exclaimed. We laughed it off, but for the remainder of the encounter she would only let me access the facial surfaces of her anterior teeth, not letting me access her occlusal or lingual surfaces at all. She also complained that it hurt.
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