11 Reminders and Tips for Newly Graduated Dental Hygienists

As spring is just around the corner, many dental hygiene students will graduate and soon be brand-new dental hygienists. I wanted to share 11 helpful reminders and tips to students and new grads about the profession they will soon be joining.
1) The value of education
Your learning does not stop after graduating. Dental hygiene school is just the beginning. I was told this when I was about to graduate, and it is true! I reflect back from then to where I am now. Wow, there has been a lot! There will be twists and turns in terms of what your career will bring. Everyone’s will be different.
You always have your education, and no one can take that away from you. This could be furthering your education with additional degrees. The dental hygiene field does not limit or confine you to only clinical dental hygiene.
When I was in hygiene school, I knew I wanted to continue my education to get at least a bachelor’s degree. I saw this as a safety net just in case something happened, such as an injury. Earning additional degrees can open doors to opportunities outside of the operatory as well, such as being an educator, sales representative, or administrator, just to name a few...
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1) The value of education
Your learning does not stop after graduating. Dental hygiene school is just the beginning. I was told this when I was about to graduate, and it is true! I reflect back from then to where I am now. Wow, there has been a lot! There will be twists and turns in terms of what your career will bring. Everyone’s will be different.
You always have your education, and no one can take that away from you. This could be furthering your education with additional degrees. The dental hygiene field does not limit or confine you to only clinical dental hygiene.
When I was in hygiene school, I knew I wanted to continue my education to get at least a bachelor’s degree. I saw this as a safety net just in case something happened, such as an injury. Earning additional degrees can open doors to opportunities outside of the operatory as well, such as being an educator, sales representative, or administrator, just to name a few...
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